Eagle Lake Policies

Every venue has their rules and regulations, we prefer to say ours are our “customs” passed down from years of experience to keep your event safe and running smoothly.

  1. Capacity: We can accommodate up 180 guests. The venue was designed for 200, so 180 will feel quite comfortable.

  2. Bands: outdoors or in the reception tent: Eagle Lake is a sought-after venue, hosting numerous events each season. Out of consideration for our neighbors and township regulations, we regulate noise levels, and bands create a challenge. The lake's natural beauty is unmatched, yet it allows sound to carry freely across the water to where our neighbors reside. Although we can channel recorded music to the dance floor through our immersive sound system, live bands lack this control. As a result, bands are restricted to our indoor nightclub/chapel room, which is separate from the reception area. We love and encourage the use of live acoustic guitars, stringed instruments, and vocals during ceremonies and cocktail hours. However, horns, drums, and other high-volume amplified instruments are prohibited both outdoors and inside the reception area. Permission is required for all entertainment electives.

  3. Bands are allowed inside the bunker: Bands are permitted in the chapel provided that the overhead door to the tent remains closed. The room can accommodate groups of up to 100 people, and it boasts excellent acoustics. If you desire a band performance after dinner, you can request permission with Eagle Lake and create a nightclub like atmosphere inside where the sound does not carry outdoors.

  4. Guest DJs: You understand Eagle Lake includes a professional DJ as part of our price to you, but you have your heart set on your own spin doctor. You’re welcome to hire them for your celebration. Here’s what your DJ needs to know:

    1. All DJs are required to visit Eagle Lake prior to any event and furnish the necessary insurance documentation.

    2. DJs are required to utilize our entertainment system; they cannot set up their own speakers. They will link their mixing boards to the Eagle Lake sound system using the XLR cables provided. To prevent damage to the built-in system, venue oversight is required.

    3. Our DJs are proficient in managing our ceremony sound and PA systems, enabling swift transitions from outdoor to indoor settings and back as weather conditions change. Your DJs may lack this flexibility, necessitating earlier decision times regarding indoor ceremony contingencies.

  5. Outside Caterers: The utilization of caterers not previously approved is restricted. We are eager to discuss any particular catering requirements you may have and willing to work with an outside caterer under certain conditions. Please reach out to discuss options.

  6. Catering and bar setups on the lawn: The allure of Eagle Lake lies in our landscaping. We invite guests to tread upon the grass and connect with the soil beneath, but we do not allow these types of setups on the lawn. Living plants, including lawns and groundcover, cannot withstand the heavy foot traffic typically found beneath bars or food stations. The inevitable outcome is dead grass. This is akin to a tear in a gown, detracting from the full splendor of our lawns, which may require months to fully recuperate. Eagle Lake offers extensive areas for setting up food and bar stations on solid surfaces. We will collaborate to plan your outdoor arrangement, ensuring maximum enjoyment. Please note, all setups require pre-approval prior to your event.

  7. Parking: Guests are required to use designated parking spaces. The drop-off area beside the reception tent is limited to 15-minutes to unload goods and guests. Parking along the driveway is prohibited unless otherwise instructed. As the parking lot approaches full capacity, Lake staff will guide drivers to an alternative parking area in our field. Transportation to the main property will be provided by Eagle Lake. Guests often enjoy the short ride to and from their vehicles on our golf carts. In the event of heavy rain, our staff may direct cars to park along the drive.

  8. Trash Disposal: Eagle Lake offers designated dumpsters for trash and recycling. Only plastic bottles, glass bottles, and cardboard should be placed in the recycling containers. Under no circumstances should plastic bags, food, or regular trash be thrown into the recycling dumpster. Recyclables contained in plastic bags must be removed from the bags before being deposited in the recycling dumpster. Additionally, all boxes need to be broken down and flattened before they are placed in the dumpster. Our disposal service charges Eagle Lake a hefty penalty for breaking any of these recycling rules.

  9. Sparkler Use: The enchantment of a sparkler sendoff is undeniable, particularly in photographs. However, combining alcohol with sparks flying at eye level can be hazardous. Instead of prohibiting sparklers entirely, we restrict their use to 10 individuals who hold them aloft, above the couple's heads and away from any faces. This way, the photos remain stunning while minimizing liability.

  10. Real Flower Petals only: Artificial flower petals can be just as captivating as real ones, yet they are challenging to gather from atop stones and within bushes. While real petals can be swept aside, artificial ones are litter and require individual handpicking. Consider the strain on our knees and backs before scattering artificial flower petals outdoors and opt not to use them.

  11. Confetti or confetti poppers: Confetti scattered in the garden can be a nightmare. Every single piece of confetti must be picked up by hand. Given that confetti can be carried away by the wind, the collection process might take hours, days or even weeks. Eagle Lake can impose up to a $2000 cleanup fee on the couple, which is something we certainly want to avoid. So please, leave the confetti at home.

  12. Glitter: The shiny glitter that brides often sprinkle in balloons, scatter across tables or glue to their gowns is indeed beautiful, but it tends to linger long after the celebration ends. Stubborn as cement, it clings to floors and furniture, resisting even the most thorough vacuuming, mopping, or dusting. A residual sparkle may serve as a lingering reminder of your wedding, but it's a memory our team would rather not retain. Therefore, we kindly request that you refrain from bringing glitter to the venue.

  13. Open candles: An open candle not only poses a fire risk but also drips wax. Removing wax from surfaces like paver bricks can be extremely challenging, if not impossible. Therefore, candles must always be placed in containers to prevent wax spillage.

  14. Boating by permission: To use a boat for fishing or leisure at Eagle Lake, you must provide advanced notice. The lake does not carry liability insurance for water accidents; however, special provisions can be arranged beforehand. Boating is prohibited once the wedding commences, with the exception of bridal photography.

  15. Golf Cart: Golf carts are designated for staff use only. We are pleased to transport you and your guests to any location on the premises, and gratuities are not anticipated.

  16. Minors: All children aged 12 and under must be supervised by an adult at all times. It is common for children to throw stones, particularly from the rooftop overlook down onto the tent beneath. This can block the tent's gutters and potentially puncture the fabric, leading to rainwater leaking onto the guests below. For this reason, children should not be allowed near the rooftop overlook.

  17. Shot policy: As mandated by insurance policies, bartenders are prohibited from serving shots or neat drinks to patrons. The direct overconsumption of hard liquor has led to medical emergencies, loss of balance resulting in falls, mental impairments, and property damage at Eagle Lake, all of which are detrimental to your wedding event. Bartenders reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason deemed appropriate. Guests are encouraged to enjoy themselves while also looking out for each other's well-being.

  18. Dogs and other pets: At Eagle Lake, dogs are cherished members of your family and are warmly welcomed. Someone, other than the bride and groom, must be assigned to supervise the dogs during their stay. While there are numerous safe walking areas for dogs, we ask that you refrain from walking them on the lawn, as dog urine can damage the grass. Dogs are not permitted inside the building or near food. Please note that no pets other than dogs are allowed without advanced permission.

  19. Horses: Prior authorization is required before bringing a horse onto the premises. The driveway is laid with brick pavers, which can be damaged by steel horseshoes. Therefore, horses intended for carriage pulling or any other use must have their shoes removed prior to arrival.

  20. Day ahead decorating: Should Eagle Lake be available the day prior to your wedding, you are permitted to arrive and commence decorating that evening. Please note that Eagle Lake is not liable for any damage, loss, or theft of your belongings, although historically, incidents have been nonexistent. Decoration is the sole activity allowed; the serving of food and beverages, aside from personal drinks and water, is prohibited to maintain cleanliness for your event the next day. Any mess made is your responsibility to clean.

  21. Valuables: Eagle Lake is pleased to offer storage for your items after your wedding, allowing you to retrieve them the next morning. Everything, including vehicles, decorations, remaining food, and alcohol, must be collected by 10:00 AM the following day unless prior arrangements have been made. Your caterers will take care of placing your items on a designated table or near the entrance before they leave. While we are delighted to provide this courtesy, we cannot assume responsibility for any items that are lost or stolen, so we advise against leaving valuables overnight.

  22. Amendments: Eagle Lake retains the right to append further items to this list as deemed necessary.

Acknowledgement Signature __________________________________ Date _________________